Softveri 3D Survey
Softveri fotogrametrik për përdorimin profesional të dronëve
Automate your aerial site mapping and mission planning and save up to 90% of your time spent on the field. Gather data with cm-grade precision and eliminate the need for repeat site visits. Survey with ease, comfort and absolute safety in even the roughest of terrains.
Import raw data from any compatible source and recreate natural environments in digital form. Generate and process precise point clouds with automated classification. Produce high-res orthophotos, realistic surface models, contour maps, spatial measurements, and more fully customizable survey-grade deliverables.
View, share and explore projects from 3Dsurvey and any third-party sources with 3Dsurvey Viewer. Empower your team and clients to work directly with highly representative 2D and 3D data. Perform simple digital surveying tasks in real-time with uncompromised visual quality.